Commencement Polaris Lecture: 'Conserving Liberty' with Mark Blitz, May 4

by Jamie Gonzales  |   

Mark Blitz will deliver the last Polaris Lecture of the termFriday, May 4, 7:30 p.m.
UAA/APU Consortium Library, Lewis Haines Meeting Room, Room 307

The last Polaris Lecture of the term, the Commencement Polaris Lecture, will be held on Friday, May 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Lewis E. Haines Meeting Room, Room 307 of the UAA/APU Consortium Library. The lecturer is Mark N. Blitz, Fletcher Jones Professor of Political Philosophy and director of the Henry Salvatori Center at Claremont McKenna College. He served during the Reagan administration as associate director of the United States Information Agency and as a senior professional staff member of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. He has been vice president of the Hudson Institute and has taught political theory at Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of "Conserving Liberty," "Plato's Political Philosophy," "Duty Bound: Responsibility and American Public Life," "Heidegger's 'Being and Time' and the Possibility of Political Philosophy" and is co-editor (with William Kristol) of "Educating the Prince."

Professor Blitz's lecture title is "Conserving Liberty" and addresses the question of how we can preserve and advance individual liberty in the United States in the face of the intellectual, moral, and political challenges that it faces. This talk will focus on the grounding of our individual liberty in natural rights, and the links, weak and strong, among liberty, good character, effective social institutions and self-government.

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