Faculty Writing Retreat - May 13-15, 2013

by Michelle Saport  |   

A three-day retreat designed to provide the time for intensive, focused, non-distracted and supervised writing to make significant progress toward the completion of a writing project.

During the retreat, directors Sonja Foss, Ph.D., and William Waters, Ph.D., will work individually with participants to solve problems and facilitate maximum productivity, including assistance in:

  • Developing individual writing plans;
  • Unblocking writer's block;
  • Developing frameworks or research questions for projects;
  • Writing literature reviews efficiently;
  • Coding qualitative data efficiently;
  • Analyzing data to develop conceptual schemas;
  • Organizing ideas;
  • Developing strategies for efficient writing; and
  • Providing energy and motivation.
Participants must attend the entire intensive. The retreat schedule is:
Monday, May 13, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (includes continental breakfast and lunch) Tuesday, May 14, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. (includes continental breakfast and lunch) Wednesday, May 15, 9 a.m.-noon (includes continental breakfast) ConocoPhillips Integrated Science Building, Room 121
Most retreat participants report dramatic progress towards achieving their writing goals. Space is limited. .
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