Customer Appreciation Day at the bookstore - Dec. 6, 2018
by shayne |
Do your UAA Christmas shopping on Thursday, Dec. 6! Join us for our annual Customer Appreciation Day Sale. We want to show our appreciation by having our biggest sale of the year.
During Customer Appreciation Day, the discounts increase as the day advances. Get the following discounts on clothing, gifts, general books and insignia:
8 a.m.-3 p.m. - 25 percent off 3-4 p.m. - 30 percent off 4-5 p.m. - 35 percent off 5-6 p.m. - 40 percent off
Starting at 4 p.m., we will have free hot apple cider and cookies. The Drowsy Wolf Cafe will have a $2 hot chocolate bar starting at 3 p.m., and Christmas music all day!