Staff Council updates from June meeting

by Michelle Saport  |   

UAA Staff Council Update: June 6, 2019 Meeting

UAA Staff Council members

Guest speakers: Keli McGee, Chief Human Resources Officer, Statewide; and Dr. Larry Foster, Professor, Department of Mathematics & Statistics

Keli spoke about the system-wide Human Resources redesign and employee compensation updates.

Dr. Foster discussed a recent study on how students are using the UAA Bookstore. The study found that cost drives student purchases and that more students are purchasing books online or renting books. A report on the results is being drafted and is expected to be completed within a month. The report will also include strategies for updating the UAA Bookstore. If you have questions or would like to make suggestions for the report, please contact Dr. Larry Foster.

Other Items Discussed

  • Welcomed New Staff Council Representatives:
    • Louise Butler | Academic Innovations & eLearning
    • Brittani Chu | eLearning Student Success
    • Nancy Johnson | Advising/Support Services (Kachemak Bay Campus)
    • Nolan Klouda | Center for Economic Development
    • Elisa Mattison | Graduate School
    • Teri Jeffress | Academic Affairs (Mat-Su)
  • Officer Elections: Kendra Conroy was reelected to serve as the Co-Vice President Exempt staff representative for the term FY20-21.
  • Staff Council Retreat: Thursday, July 11, 2019 | 9 a.m.-4 p.m. | LIB 307
  • Visit us online to learn more about UAA Staff Council, includes:

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