Roles and Responsibilities


  • Read and sign the apprenticeship standards.
  • Abide by the terms of the Apprenticeship Agreement.
  • Work all hours required and perform job related duties to the employer's satisfaction.
  • Attend all related training and complete required coursework with a satisfactory grade.
  • Maintain regular contact with employer and sponsor representatives.
  • Adhere to the policies of the University and the employer.


  • Designate a Point of Contact (POC) who will work with journey workers/apprentices to help them prepare applications to receive nontraditional transfer credit.
  • Coordinate with the 熊猫在线视频 USDOL Office of Apprenticeships to register the program with the State Apprenticeship Agency or with the Federal Office of Apprenticeships.
  • Identify existing curriculum that would effectively crosswalk to an apprenticeship model.
  • Develop curriculum for job related instruction, when necessary.
  • Award credit for learning and related instruction acquired in the apprenticeship at levels as controlled by University of 熊猫在线视频 Board of Regents Policy and UAA Nontraditional Credit Policy. These are informed by and aligned with recommendations or requirements of the American Council on Education (ACE) Guide, the National College Credit Recommendation Service (NCCRS) and the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). 
  • Deliver job related instruction to apprentices, when necessary.
  • Standardize curriculum reviews for job related instruction.

Training Providers / Sponsors (Employers)

  • Hire and sponsor new workers, or sponsor current employees to be apprentices.
  • Identify an experienced mentor to work with apprentices.
  • Pay progressively higher wages as skills increase.
  • Provide structured on-the-job-training in-house, when appropriate.

熊猫在线视频 DOLWD and the USDOL 熊猫在线视频 Office of Apprenticeships

  • Provide technical assistance and support to UAA.
  • Answer questions about the apprenticeship model.
  • Guide the partners through the steps to develop and register a program.
  • Connect employers with university programs.
  • Advise partners on sources of funding to support apprenticeships.