
"He who does not know a foreign language, does not know anything about his own."

- Goethe

Japanese language courses provide the tools for students to acquire basic Japanese language skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking, to build up their communication ability, and to prepare them to accomplish their educational, professional and personal goals.In this complex and diverse world, it is ultimately necessary to study another language to acquire a better understanding of its diverse peoples and cultures. The study of the Japanese language is strongly encouraged for those who wish to be successful in many professional fields and for those who wish to deepen their knowledge of Japan.

The study of Japanese enhances the student's understanding of modern Japanese culture, but also fosters a deeper understanding of his or her of own language and culture.  This understanding, respect and love for one's native culture and Japanese culture as separate and equal entities provides the foundation for true communication and understanding, which in turn create the only possible foundation for international and global peace. 


If you have previously studied Japanese elsewhere you are required to take a placement test. Contact the Department of Languages to arrange the test. The Coordinator of the Japanese Program will assess your level and assign you to the most appropriate class. If you register for a course without taking a placement test and your  knowledge of the Japanese language is determined by the instructor to be inappropriate for the class you have chosen, you may be asked to transfer to a more suitable course.

Nihon Bunka, Japanese Culture Club

An open opportunity to practice your Japanese skills with other UAA students!

    Dates: Bimonthly, Fridays
    Location: ADM 142
    Times: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM 
    Contact: Kaori Shimizu

Japanese students participating in traditional Japanese drumming performance

UAA-HUE and UAA-Iwate University Exchange Program

The Japanese program has two student exchange programs with our partner universities in Japan: Hokkaido University of Education (HUE) and Iwate University. Japanese majors are strongly recommended to study in Japan, and students who have successfully completed three years of Japanese are encouraged to apply. Study abroad requires good planning, and it is important to meet with your Japanese Language Advisor early on your study at UAA.

For more information, please contact:

Kaori Shimizu
The Montgomery Dickson Center for Japanese Language & Culture

JPN A101 Elementary Japanese I 4 Credits

Introductory course for students with no previous knowledge of the Japanese language. Develops listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Japanese for effective communication at the elementary level. Students gain understanding of basic cross-cultural perspectives. Course conducted in Japanese.

Attributes: UAA Humanities GER.

JPN A102 Elementary Japanese II 4 Credits

Continuation of introductory course. Further develops elementary listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in Japanese for effective communication. Enhances appreciation of cross-cultural perspectives. Course conducted in Japanese.

Prerequisites: JPN A101 with a minimum grade of D.

Attributes: UAA Humanities GER.

JPN A201 Intermediate Japanese I 4 Credits

Intermediate course for students with basic knowledge of Japanese. Enhances listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for effective communication at the intermediate level. Students critically examine diverse cultural perspectives. Course conducted in Japanese.

Prerequisites: JPN A102 with a minimum grade of D.

Attributes: UAA Diversity & Inclusion GER, UAA Humanities GER.

JPN A202 Intermediate Japanese II 4 Credits

Continuation of first semester in intermediate Japanese. Further develops listening, speaking, reading, and writing proficiency for effective communication and in preparation for advanced study of Japanese. Students interpret diverse cultural perspectives. Course conducted in Japanese.

Prerequisites: JPN A201 with a minimum grade of D.

Attributes: UAA Diversity & Inclusion GER, UAA Humanities GER.

JPN A290 Selected Topics in Japanese Culture 1 Credit

Topics in Japanese culture such as Shodo (calligraphy), Zen Meditation, Ikebana (flower arrangement), and Chado/Sado (tea ceremony). Gives students opportunities to learn Japanese culture first hand.
Special Note: May be repeated twice for credit, but not more than one credit can be applied to Language major.

Prerequisites: JPN A101 with a minimum grade of D.

JPN A301 Advanced Japanese I 4 Credits

Advanced Japanese course in refining listening, speaking, reading, writing and analytical skills for effective interaction in communicatively complex situations. Students critically analyze diverse cultural topics.
Special Note: Course conducted in Japanese.
Registration Restrictions: If prerequisite not met, students can gain entrance to course with departmental approval.

Prerequisites: JPN A202 with a minimum grade of C.

JPN A302 Advanced Japanese II 4 Credits

Continuation of first semester in advanced Japanese. Further refines listening, speaking, reading, writing and analytical skills for effective interaction in communicatively complex situations. Students critically analyze diverse cultural topics.
Special Note: Course conducted in Japanese.
Registration Restrictions: If prerequisite not met, students can gain entrance to course with departmental approval.

Prerequisites: JPN A301 with a minimum grade of C.

JPN A350 Business Japanese 3 Credits

Focuses on working knowledge of Japanese business and financial terminology, Japanese business culture, and business practices. Study of business correspondence, terms and jargon, negotiations, and other topics useful in the Japanese business environment.
Special Note: Course conducted in Japanese.

Prerequisites: JPN A202 with a minimum grade of C.

JPN A390 Selected Topics: Studies in Japanese Culture and Society 3 Credits

Examines various aspects of Japanese culture and society with critical analysis of textual and cultural artifacts (e.g., historical, political, literary) through a variety of disciplinary methodologies. Enhances Japanese language skills in writing, reading, speaking, listening and cultural literacy.
Special Note: Course may be repeated twice for credit with a change in subtitle. Course conducted in Japanese.

Prerequisites: JPN A301 with a minimum grade of C.

JPN A390A Selected Topics: English-Language Studies in Japanese Culture and Society 3 Credits

An overview of Japanese culture and society on a selected topic, with critical analysis through a variety of disciplinary methodologies (e.g., historical, sociological, political and literary).
Special Note: May be repeated four times with a change of subtitle. Course is conducted in English.

Prerequisites: JPN A202 with a minimum grade of C.

JPN A490 Selected Topics: Studies in Japanese Literature and Culture 3 Credits

Focuses on intensive study of authors, literary movements, periods and genres in historical and cultural contexts. Enhances Japanese language skills in reading, listening, writing, speaking, and cross-cultural literacy.
Special Note: May be repeated four times for credit with a change of subtitle. Course conducted in Japanese.

Prerequisites: JPN A302 with a minimum grade of C.