Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

Philosophy is the creative and critical reflection on enduring questions concerning the nature of the world and our place in it. For example, philosophy asks metaphysical questions about what exists, epistemic questions about what we can claim to know, and ethical questions about the nature of the good life and right action. In addition, philosophy involves the study and practice of good reasoning and clear thinking, skills that are essential to any discipline or profession.

Admission Requirements
  • Complete the聽.
Graduation Requirements
  • Complete the聽.
  • Complete the聽.
  • Occasionally, other departments offer courses that are notably relevant for a student's academic focus. Students wishing to count such a course toward their philosophy degree must first consult with the Philosophy Department chair.
  • Complete the following major requirements:
Core Courses
笔贬滨尝听础101Introduction to Logic3
笔贬滨尝听础201Introduction to Philosophy3
笔贬滨尝听础211Ancient and Medieval Philosophy3
笔贬滨尝听础212Early Modern Philosophy3
笔贬滨尝听础311Truth and Reality3
笔贬滨尝听础309Mind and Machines3
辞谤听笔贬滨尝听础321 God, Self, and the Afterlife
笔贬滨尝听础350Contemporary Social and Political Philosophy3
辞谤听笔贬滨尝听础406 Philosophy of Law
Mastery Course
笔贬滨尝听础490Topics in Contemporary Philosophy3
Complete 9 additional upper-division credits from the department's course offerings. 9

A minimum of 120 credits is required for the degree, of which 39 credits must be upper-division.聽

Honors in Philosophy

The Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy recognizes distinguished achievement by conferring programmatic honors in philosophy. In order to receive honors in philosophy, a student must meet the following requirements:

  • Meet the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy;
  • Meet the requirements f辞谤听聽as outlined in the catalog;
  • Maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75 in courses specific to the philosophy major;
  • 颁辞尘辫濒别迟别听笔贬滨尝听础498聽with a grade of A, and a recommendation for departmental honors from the student's faculty committee for this course;
  • Notify the chair in writing on or before date on which the Application for Graduation is filed with the Office of the Registrar of the intention to graduate with departmental honors.