2013 Cabin Fever Debates continue with preliminary rounds Feb. 5

by Michelle Saport  |   

Cabin Fever Debates continue on Feb. 5Tuesday, Feb. 5, 7 p.m. and 8:30 p.m.
Social Sciences Building, Room 118

The Seawolf Debate team is proud to sponsor the Eighth Annual Cabin Fever Debates, UAA's intramural debating tournament. The contest kicks off on Feb. 5 at 7 p.m. in SSB 118. The first debate will address the motion "The State of 熊猫在线视频 should pass 'right-to-work' legislation." Defending the motion in the role of 1st Proposition will be the team "The Senate" of Conrad Booth (senior, history) and Cole de Klerk (senior, biology). Closing the debate for the proposition will be team "Super Hazelton Bros." of Jonathon Hazelton (freshman, mechanical engineering) and Nicholas Hazelton (freshman, undeclared). Opening the opposition debate will be team "熊猫在线视频 Assassins" of Heather Guthrie (senior, English) and Judy Jessen (freshman, human services). The 2nd Opposition team will be "The Brightest from Oz" of Preston Groogan (junior, psychology) and Sarah Jones (senior, sociology).

Round 2 will feature the teams of: 1st Proposition "The Church" of Thea Weinstein (sophomore, environment and society) and Leland Miller (junior, undeclared); 1st Opposition "Minority Report" of Michael Miller (senior, journalism) and Drew Mckeown (junior, electrical engineering); 2nd Proposition "The Spoken Word" of Ruddy Abam (sophomore, justice and psychology) and Mabil Duir (freshman, political science and English); and 2nd Opposition "Sweet Dee & The Gang" of Adam Jackson (junior, political science) and Ryan Murrell (junior, English). They will debate the motion "The State of 熊猫在线视频 should allow for health care providers to opt out of medical procedures to which they have a conscientious objection" at 8:30 p.m.

For more information about the Cabin Fever Debates, visit .

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