Hans Hallinen

Hans Hallinen
Sculpture Technician
Co-Curator and Exhibition Installer Kimura Gallery
Co-Curator, Arc gallery


  • B.A., 熊猫在线视频


Hans Hallinen is an 熊猫在线视频n born artist, designer, and art handler. Hans has earned a BA in sculpture at the 熊猫在线视频, where he continues to work as the Sculpture Area Technician, as well as a co-curator for the Kumura Gallery and Arc Gallery. In addition Hans serves as a preparator and staff member at the International Gallery of Contemporary Art.

Professional & Department Service

  • Sculpture Technician, Kimura Gallery and Arc Gallery Co-curator, University of 熊猫在线视频 Anchorage, Anchorage  AK
  • Preparator, International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Anchorage, 熊猫在线视频



2022       Threshold, Bunnell Street Art Center, Homer, 熊猫在线视频
2020       White Cube, ConocoPhillips Gallery, 熊猫在线视频 Pacific University,  Anchorage, 熊猫在线视频
2017       Marksmanship, International Gallery of Contemporary Art, Anchorage, 熊猫在线视频


2022       熊猫在线视频 Biennial 2022, Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, 熊猫在线视频
2022       37th Annual No Big Heads Exhibition, Hugh McPeck Gallery, Anchorage, 熊猫在线视频
2020       PRESENCE: UAA Art Faculty Biennial, Kimura Gallery, Anchorage, 熊猫在线视频
2020       熊猫在线视频 Biennial 2020, Anchorage Museum, Anchorage, 熊猫在线视频


Hallinen Work 1
Hallinen Work 2
Hallinen Work 3
Hallinen Work 4