805 - Salary, Benefits & leave

Community Campus Delegation 805: Salary, Benefits & Leave


To specify the community campus delegation authority and responsibilities for salary, benefits and leave.  



Delegation AuthorityExempt and nonexempt salary placement for new hires above step 鈥3鈥漮f the appropriate salary grade requires the approval the Director of UAA Human Resource Services or the University of 熊猫在线视频 President as may be the case. The placement and movement criteria for credit hour faculty are established in regulations and authority resides with the Provost.
The Directors/President have the authority to:

  1. Administer and approve overtime subject to the regulations and procedures governing overtime pay.
  2. Approve temporary out-of-class or overload assignments for activities or services of short-term duration when no feasible alternative means can be found for absorbing the work into a regular full-time assignment.
  3. Administer leave policy.

The Directors/President have the authority for the computation of credit for a course taught by part-time instructors and authority to cancel courses including establishment of minimum class size.
Delegation CriteriaCompliance with the referenced policies and regulations and the following instructions:

  1. Part-time instructor files indicate adherence to set salary placements.
  2. Fixed pay levels for non-credit instructors are stated in local policy and procedures and are used in a consistent manner.
  3. Overtime recorded and paid does not exceed maximum hours specified in UAA compensation procedures.
  4. Observation of approval requirements.

ApplicabilityAll community campuses have the delegation authority responsibilities for salary, benefits and leave expressed in this policy unless special limits or requirements are set by the Vice Chancellor for Administration.

Effective: 10/25/2005